Saturday, October 29, 2011

Becoming a "Biker"

It isn't actually certain for sure.

I brought it up to my husband: I might like to try to becoming a motorcycle driver. He said that was completely unexpected. (Undoubtedly) He had some concerns: accidents, incapability to balance well enough, incapability to avoid animals ... accidents.

It was unexpected, no doubt. But if I like it, it will be something that he and I cans share. It isn't because I feel "pressured" by Mike, nor because I feel as though I need it to "keep our marriage together". Nor is it because I want to become a "bad biker b****h", or I feel "left out" of part of what Mike likes.I want to simply try it out; if I like it, great; if I don't, well, I gave it a try.

The plan, so far, is to buy a used "dirt-street" bike, for me to learn on. As it stands right now, I know nothing about how to ride. Like, totally, nothing. Seriously. Further on, down the road, if I like it, our current plan is to purchase a Matte Black, Low, Something Harley Davidson motorcycle. He thinks that it would be great for me, because I have... vertical impairment. And he's thinking a "Soft-tail". (I have no idea what that means, but it sounds vaguely obscene.) I have warned him, repeatedly, that if I do end up liking this new thing, I will be wanting THE most blinged-out Harley Davidson in the Valley, if not the province. (Maybe even in Canada.) But, first things first: the used "dirt-street" bike to learn on.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Spitting is one of the yuckiest things I have ever witnessed, or seen the results of. The most unlikely person I have ever heard of spitting is Jesus Christ, Lord God Almighty.

Mark 7:33: "After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man's ears. Then he spit and touched the man's tongue.
Mark 8:23-25 : "He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the mans eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?" he looked up and said, "I see people; they look like trees walking around." Once more Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight restored, and he saw everything clearly.
John 9:6, 7: "Having said this, He spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes. "Go." He said, "Wash in the pool of Siloam." (This word means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.

So, I suppose that not ALL  spitting is disgusting; but any spitting done my anyone that isn't the Lord God Almighty is disgusting.  


Thursday, May 26, 2011


First off, let's start by my saying that children are not my favorite creatures. They are noisy, they leak, they can be disobedient.

I'm currently sitting in Safeway. There are a pair of younglings noisily running about. The girl is okay. She's not that loud. The boy is hell-on-wheels. He's not obedient; he's noisy; he is noisily dis-obedient.

The mother, who looks like she might be out of her teens; by a short time. (Possibly only this year...) is shopping with her mother. Her mother looks harried as well.  Also, the mother, who looks quite young, is a compact, small person. For now, the children are smaller than her ... for now. She doesn't look like she's trying to hang onto her youth, and isn't really the adult. She does look like she's the one in charge. It's possible that she's the stepmother. (The mother of the 2 children commented to her mother "her father isn't even here" indicating the young girl.) The boy may be being disobedient because she "isn't really his mom", but I think he's actually about 2 or 3 years old (I've observed 2 or 3 year old boys; I would never want one.)

The grandmother in this scenario was attempting to get the younglings out to the vehicle, but didn't have any fortune in doing that. they may have left by now; I don't hear them (i.e. the boy)

It's a sad state of affairs in the world when children don't know who their father or mother actually is. That goes down a rabbit trail that has nothing to do with the subject at hand, so I'll leave it alone at that.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Latest Fashion/Fad

I never much paid attention to "fashion" before. However, currently, there is a fashion that drives me absolutely bananas! I thought fashion couldn't get worse than the plumber-look with waist-bands around the knees. Or, the chains everywhere, or .... a lot of things.

However, the latest fad is wearing a cap and putting a hoodie-Hood over it. I'm uncertain where this actually started, but it's likely to have begun with some rapper. However, it looks like the ultimate in foolishness. (I'll even be politically incorrect: It looks mentally retarded!)

Whoever began it, seems to have thought: "Let's see: how can I make my followers look un-utterably silly? I know! I'll wear a cap, and pull a hood over-top of it!"

I wish there were some way to let these rap-artist-wannabe's know how foolish they look.

Some rap artist has some serious followers. There are a lot of rap-artist clones out there. I'm unsure whether it's because they want to look like a rap artist, or because they agree with the lyrics of the rap-artist songs. (Do rap songs HAVE lyrics?) Why would they want to agree with rap song lyrics, or rap artist lives, or what they perceive rap artists to be? I just don't understand.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Replacing the battery in my "little Machine" (Small, portable, Laptop computer), I'm reminded that "back in the 80's," we used to get Hernias packing about enough Double A's to run our Sony Walkman(r)'s

Now, I get hernias when I pack to go away for a weekend. Being an "old" person, I have all my charging cords labelled. "A's Cell Phone Cord", "A's little Computer Cord", "A's I-Pod Cord"

I have a packing list (actually, 2 packing lists; one for "Overnight" and one for "Longer" ). Listed on both are "do you have all your cords?" and "Did you remember your PJ's" (I admit, that's lame: But, if it isn't written down, I have to buy PJ's wherever I am)

I am thankful that "somebody" thought of making or inventing rechargeable batteries that would fit into each little machine I carry.  Carrying Cell Phone, I-Pod, and Small Laptop, I am truly grateful I don't have to carry double or Triple A's for them.
April 27, 2014
Last Christmas, Mike bought me an I-Pad Mini. Very useful little thing. Mike has gotten a "regular sized" I-Pad because he was "surfing the internet" on my Mini.  So, he was insistent on getting on for himself. For Christmas, I'd bought him an I-Pod for music. (And a case to hold it in: otherwise, he'd drop it and lose it.) I also bought him a case for the I-Pad. He's really enjoying it.Something that he's done is put The Bible (KJV) and "My Utmost for His Highest" books on it. The I-Pads are very user friendly, and he is learning quite easily what he can and cannot do on his. He's not much of a gamer, so he hasn't even put a solitaire game or any game on it. But he has a "Google Search Engine" application on it as well. He's finding he's enjoying being able to look on line at motorcycles and the like
The rechargeable batteries in the I-Pads are charged with a totally different cord end than the one that they've used since they first started. I think it's rather unfortunate. I have several of the one that's on the left side of the pic, and only one of the one on the right. But, they're all good. No matter which one you have to use, it's still better than getting hernia's carrying double-a's.

Happy Easter

Luke 24:5-7 "And as they were afraid, and bowed down [their] faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again."

It is surprising that so many persons disbelieve the truth and reality of the resurrection.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the One who cut History in Half After all, there is 0 A.D; which stands for Anno domini. According to my Search on the Google Search Engine: In Wikipaedia, it states: "Anno Domini (abbreviated as AD or A.D., sometimes found in the form Anno Domine) and Before Christ (abbreviated as BC or B.C.) are designations used to label or number years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The AD or the Christian calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth, with AD counting years after the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the epoch. There is no year zero in this scheme, so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. This dating system was devised in 525, but was not widely used until after 800,[1] and even after that, other systems were still widely used throughout Europe."

That is pretty difficult to argue with: After all, if you decide to "go back to" the "old calendar", what precisely will you be going "back to"? And, how will anyone know when you are talking about, if you are on the "old calendar" and everyone else on the globe is on the "new calendar"? And, what does that mean? You are going "back to" B.C.? What year could it be if it were B.C.?

At any rate, whether you beleive in Christ and His Resurrection, or choose to disbelieve, Have a Happy Easter.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ga$ Price$

The price listed on many of the Gas Stations says $1.319/Litre.

The American Public might think something absurd, like "Lucky Canadians! Paying so-o-o little for gas". Well, the unfortunate truth is, there is about 4 Liters in an American gallon: So, the less fortunate truth is gas prices are $5.276/gallon.

(And, the Americans complain about paying $4.00/Gallon! {that works out to $1.00/Liter})

I saw a joke-picture of a Gas-station sign. The enter-your-own-message portion stated "We offer reasonable financing options" *Sad grin*

I'm Excited! Tires: for my Baby!!

Okay, this is actually a bit absurd: I made (another) "deal" with my husband; If he bought me new tires for my Baby (the 40th Anniversary Mustang) then he could buy another Harley Davidson Motorcycle.

This HD is a "previously-loved" Motorcycle that is larger in size than the first one that he bought (He'd had to buy my Baby tires then, too) The first one that he bought was a new one; a ... something-or-the-other. But, I'd gotten new tires for the Baby, so whatever it was, was fine.

Actually, the truth must be told: Mike would have bought me tires for Baby anyway, whether he bought the new (to him) machine or not.

At any rate, I'm going to be out on the Highway, in The Baby pretty quick. I'm excited.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Why an "Accidental Environmentalist"?

I ended up being an "environmentalist" by accident; not on purpose, or because "it's the right-thing-to-do"

I use cloth re-usable bags. I make them myself.

"Why not the black, reusable ones sold in the store?"

 Because of the reason I'm an "environmentalist". I am allergic to Plastic. The "Black, Reusable" ones, sold in the store are re-cycled plastic. (They're even worse than the "plain" plastic bags)

"What happens? Why say you're allergic; why not just say you're sensitive?"
Well, "Sensitive" is a Politically Correct word that annoys me to no end. That aside, when I end up in contact with plastic, I welt: that wouldn't be so bad, but 1/2 cm tall welts that are bright red are a bit embarrassing. With the "Black, re-cycled Plastic" bags, they blister me.

If it were "just something in my head" I could probably ignore it; but even my Allergist says it's an actual Allergy.

The fact that it's "the right thing to do" and having " ... fewer plastic bags" is a bonus side effect of being seriously allergic to plastic.

How bad does it get? Depending on a variety of factors (none of which I've figured out, yet), I occasionally require gloves to just grocery shop. So many items are wrapped in plastic.

Are there drawbacks to using Handmade Grocery Bags? Yes: no matter how careful you are, laying a bag on top of what you want in it, or carefully holding back the bags until the item comes that you would like in it; many clerks and baggers attempt to fill the largest bags that you have (the ones that you want bulky, light items packed in) with Canned Goods. Having to re-pack your bags because they're poorly packed isn't much fun. There are always exceptions: there are the checkout clerks and baggers that know how to pack a bag, whether it's a plastic one, or a reusable one, or a Handmade one. I often look to see if those people are on duty when it comes time to check out.

Water Bottles

My husband and I snicker over bottled water. (He's a 70's teen, I'm an 80's teen) We carry it, we have re-usable bottles to put our Filtered water into, and carry with us, but ... we still snicker over it.

 If anyone would have told us in our teens, that before we either turn 50, we'll be carrying Bottled Water to drink, we'd have both laughed them to scorn.

There are a lot of different waters available; there's "Plain, filtered" water, "Flavoured" water, "flavourings" for your water (specially packaged to fit into a 500 mL bottle: very convenient); bottles available from 500 mL to 15 Litres. You can filter your own, or you can have water delivered to your home (in larger centers, not in small towns) You can purchase bottles to be refilled: everything from a 591 Ml (20 oz, for the 'muricans) to many Litres.

Even still, the idea of carrying purified, or filtered water is snicker-worthy to my husband and I; simply because water is such a common commodity: why not bottle Air? (As opposed to bottled Oxygen, I mean)