For the last few days, he has been calling his shop his "man cave". He's become attached to the title for his shop.

Update:, August 6, 2013
Well: even though I'd thought it was just a "flash in the pan" type of idea, apparently it has caught on --- hard. If you enter "Man-Cave" in the search bar on Google Search Engine, you can get pages and pages of 'images' of a "Man Cave". In the internet search, you get 36,000,000 results (in .18 seconds).
I didn't know that it had caught on and gone as large as it has. I presumed that it would remain being a shop-type of area, place where guys 'hang-out'. Where they can do 'boy-stuff' --- no girlz alowed! However, when you do look on the image-section of Google Search Engine, some of the "man-caves" that are out there rival some of the fanciest restaurants that I've been in. Many are built around a "theme"; sports, bars, cars, motorcycles, basketball courts, pools ... many of the images are incredible!
Of course, Mike, being himself, hasn't let moss grow under his feet either. He has built an "office area" in part of his shop; our daughter calls it a stage. Either description fits. He will be using it as an office, but at the moment, it does resemble a stage. Beneath it, Mike has built it into a storage area.
This past spring, he hired a guy to do the painting that he wanted done. It's now Dark Forest Green and Blue-Gray.
Plus, he has been collecting various things for the decor: the "Man Cave" sign (pic above) being one of the items. I have also purchased a couple of other items, with "Man Cave" written on them. Plus, he's bought a couple of posters (to be framed), and had ideas kicking around for various other elements that he wants to do in his shop.
Calling the area a "Shop" almost seems to be a misnomer, now. He's cleaned the entire place up, and has organized his "Storage Area" so he can find stuff when he looks. He has plans to have an Office Space there. He plans this, that, and the other thing. I don't doubt for a moment these things will come to pass.
December 28, 2013
Our daughter has been home for a short time for the Christmas Season. She has seen Mike's "Man Cave" for the first time. She's really impressed. She can "see" in her imagination whatever Mike tells her what he's going to be doing in the future.
January 23, 2013
This Saturday, Mike will be holding a Prayer meeting/Study in there. He's cleaning it up, and going to be getting more chairs and arranging an area for this meeting. As far as I know, there's Henry coming. Some of the other neighbors have been invited. It's a very exciting thing.
Here's a link to the Wikipedia information:
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